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School of Natural Resources and Environment

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Graduate Courses and Syllabi

**Please note that this curriculum was instated in Fall 2023. SNRE graduate students who matriculated before the Fall 2023 semester will continue to use the former curriculum, which can be viewed here.

For information on Plans of Study and Individual Development Plans, which help students plan out their coursework, please see our Forms and Planning webpage.

Core Courses

SNRE graduate students are required to complete at least one course (3 credits) in each of SNRE's five core course areas.

  • Principles of Ecology Courses

    The Interdisciplinary Ecology graduate programs requires at least one course from this approved list of Principles of Ecology courses for MS and PhD students. Core courses in this track enable students to gain a foundational understanding of ecological concepts or to explore the ecology of organisms, populations, and communities more deeply, and/or ecosystems.

    Number Title Credits Term
    ALS 5155 Global Agroecosystems 3 Fall
    ALS 5156 Agricultural Ecology Principles & Applications 3 Fall
    BOT 5695 Ecosystems of Florida    
    ENY 6454 Behavioral Ecology and Systematics 3 Spring
    ENY 6203 Insect Ecology 3 Fall
    FAS 5276C Field Ecology of Aquatic Organisms 4 Summer
    FAS 6176 Algae Biology & Ecology 3 Spring
    FAS 6272 Marine Ecological Processes 3 Fall
    FAS 5407 Biology and Ecology of Fisheries & Aquaculture Invertebrates 3 Summer
    FAS 6273 Trophic Ecology of Fishes 3 Spring
    FOR 6155 Forest Ecosystem Resilience 3 Fall
    FOR 6170 Tropical Forest Ecology 3 Spring
    PCB 5046C Advanced Ecology    
    PCB 5338 Principles of Ecosystem Ecology 3 Fall
    PCB 5415C Behavioral Ecology 4 Fall
    PCB 6447C Community Ecology 3 Spring
    SWS 5305C Soil Microbial Ecology 3 Fall
    WIS 5555C Conservation Biology    
    WIS 6405 Biodiversity 3 Fall
    WIS6455 Wildlife Population Ecology 3 Fall
    WIS 6468C Patterns and Processes in Landscape Ecology 3 Fall


  • Natural Sciences Courses

    The Interdisciplinary Ecology graduate program requires at least one course from the approved list of Natural Sciences courses for MS and PhD students. Natural science courses seek to understand how biotic and abiotic resources are linked to management actions and outcomes within an ecosystem context. This is an extremely broad realm that includes core courses on biophysical systems and processes, natural ecosystems, and intensively managed and built ecosystems dedicated to meeting human needs.

    Number Title Credits Term
    AGR 5511  Crop Ecology 3 Fall
    BOT 5655C  Physiological Plant Ecology    
    ENY 5006  Graduate Survey of Entomology 3 Fall
    FAS 5203C  Biology of Fishes 4 Fall
    FNR 6564  Ecohydrology 3 Fall
    FOR5157  Ecosystem Restoration Principles and Practice 3 Fall
    FOR 6164  Silviculture: Concepts and Application 3 Fall
    FOR 6215   Fire Paradigms    
    FOR 6151   Forest Ecosystem Health 3 Fall
    GEO 5305  Environmental Biogeography 3 Spring
    GLY 6738  Estuarine Systems 3 Fall
    HOS 6345  Environmental Physiology 4 Fall (Even years)
    HOS 6355  Root and Rhizosphere Ecology 3 Fall
    MCB 6151  Prokaryotic Diversity 3 Summer C
    PCB 5307C  Limnology 3 Spring
    PCB 6377C  Physiological Ecology of Vertebrates    
    SWS 5050  Soils for Environmental Professionals 3 Fall
    SWS 5224  Environmental Biogeochemistry 3 Spring
    SWS 5248  Wetlands and Water Quality 3 Fall
    SWS 5308  Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens 3 Spring
    VME 6602  General Toxicology 3 Spring


  • Social Sciences Courses

    The Interdisciplinary Ecology graduate program requires at least one course from the approved list of Social Sciences courses for MS and PhD students. Social science courses encompass a diverse range of academic disciplines (including but not limited to Anthropology, Criminology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology) that focus on issues of human thought, action, institutions, conflicts, and management of natural resources and the environment. Core courses in the social sciences focus on central theoretical concerns and/or offer surveys of major topics in a social science discipline regarding natural resources and the environment. Social science electives tend to be more specialized, whether they focus on theoretical perspectives, substantive topics, management problems or regions of the world.

    Number Title Credits Term
    AEC 5060 Public Opinion and Agricultural and Natural Resources Issues 3 Fall
    AEC 6540 Communications Theory and Strategies for Agricultural and Natural Resources 3 Spring
    ALS 5932 Environment & Society    
    ANG 6930  Environmental Anthropology    
    EDF 6215 Educational Psychology: Learning Theory    
    FNR 6061  Conflict & Collaboration in Natural Resources 3 Summer C
    FOR 6005  Conservation Behavior    
    FYC 6330  Theories of Community Development    
    GEO 6408  Parks and People    
    INR 6039  International Political Economy 3 Fall
    LAS 6047  Conservation and Development Practice 3 Fall
    LAW 6470 Environmental Law 3 Spring
    LAW 6472 Natural Resources Law    
    PHC 6001  Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health 3 Summer
    RLG6183  Religion and Environmental Ethics 3 Spring
    SYA 7933  Crime and the Environment 3 Fall
    SYD 6517  Seminar in Environment and Society    
    SYD 6520  Environmental Governance    
    WST 6348   Ecofeminism 3 Spring


  • Sustainability Science Courses

    The Interdisciplinary Ecology graduate program requires at least one course from the approved list of Sustainability Science courses for MS and PhD students. These courses focus on the integration of ecological, natural sciences, and social factors to sustain humans and ecological systems. Sustainability science emphasizes interdisciplinary issues involving the integrity and resilience of natural and social systems over time, including environmental health and those that blend environmental policy, economics, justice, which requires integrative thinking to address complex problems.

    Number Title Credits Term
    AEB 6933 Economics of Environmental Policy and Sustainability    
    AEB 7453 Natural Resource Economics    
    ANG 5266 Economic Anthropology    
    ARC 6391 Architecture, Energy, and Ecology    
    FNR 6669 Policy & Economics of Natural Resources 3 Spring
    FOR 5625 Forest Water Resources Management    
    FOR 6628/LAS 6290 Community Forest Management 3 Fall
    FYC 6302 Sustainable Community Development 3 Spring
    GEA 6464 Resource Utilization and Conservation in Latin America    
    LAS 6290/ANT 6930 Ethnoecology    
    LAS 6938/AFS 6905 Foundations of Economics for Sustainable Development    
    LAW 6936 Environmental Justice Seminar    
    SWS 5208 Sustainable Agriculture and Urban Land Management 3 Fall
    SWS 5246 Water Resource Sustainability 3 Spring
    SWS 5551 Soils, Water, and Public Health 3 Spring
    URP 6421 Environmental Land Use Planning and Management 3 Fall
    VME 6606 Ecological Risk Assessment    
    VME 6607 Human Health Risk Assessment    


  • Data Science Courses

    The Interdisciplinary Ecology graduate program requires at least one course from the approved list of courses in Data Science for MS and PhD students. These courses focus on analyzing and interpreting data and information using methods drawn from statistics, geospatial science, information science, and disciplinary knowledge. Electives within this category support development of a foundation in statistical concepts, experimental design, interpretation of documents, interviews, and observations, or application of theoretical and statistical models.

    Number Title Credits Term
    ABE 5643C  Biological Systems Modeling 3 Fall
    AEB 6553 Elements of Econometrics 3 Spring
    AEC 6552 Evaluating Programs in Extension Education 3 Summer C
    ALS 6501  Data Carpentry for Biologists 3 Fall
    ALS 6502  Linear Models in Agriculture and Natural Resouces 3 Spring
    ALS 6500  Multivariate Statistics 3 Fall
    ECO 7427 Econometric Methods II  3 Spring
    FAS 5335C  Applied Fisheries Statistics    
    FOR 5435  Forest Information Systems 3 Summer B
    FOR 6156  Simulation Analysis of Forest Ecosystems 3 Spring
    FYC 6802  Advanced Research Methods for Family, Youth, and Community Sciences 3 Spring
    MET 6752  Spatial Analysis of Atmospheric Data Using GIS    
    PHC 6011  Epidemiology Methods 3 Summer A
    STA 6093 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3 Fall & Spring
    STA 6126  Statistical Methods in Social Research I    
    STA 6166  Statistical Methods in Research I 3 Fall
    STA 6167  Statistical Methods in Research II 3 Spring
    SUR 5386 Image Processing for Remote Sensing 3 Spring
    SUR 5365  Digital Mapping 3 Fall
    SWS 5721C  GIS in Land Resource Management 3 Fall
    SYA 6407  Quantitative Research Methods 3 Spring
    URP 6270  Introduction to Planning Information Systems 3 Spring
    URP 6275 Intermediate Planning Information Systems 3 Spring
    WIS 6466  Wildlife Population Modeling    


Elective Courses

SNRE graduate students may choose from the following elective courses taught by SNRE's partner departments to round out their core coursework. 

  • Ecology Elective Courses

    Course Number and Title


    AEC 6932 Qualitative Research Methods (permanent number in review)


    ALS 5156 Agricultural Ecology Principles & Applications


    ANG 6086 Historical Ecology


    EES 6007 Advanced Energy and Environment


    EES 6309 Wetland Design and Restoration


    EES 6935 Water, Wetlands, and Watersheds Seminar


    ENY 6203 Insect Ecology Laboratory


    ENY 6206 Ecology of Vector-Borne Disease


    ENY 6207L Pollination Ecology


    FAS 5901 Scientific Thinking in Ecology


    FAS 6154 Marine Adaptations: Invertebrate Physiology


    FAS 6932 Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Freshwater Ecology


    FAS 6932 Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Invasion Ecology of Aquatic Animals


    FOR 5157 Ecosystem Restoration Principles and Practices


    FOR 6154 Analysis of Forest Ecosystems


    MCB 6670C The Microbiome


    SWS 6323 Advance Microbial Ecology


    ZOO 6542 Nutrition Ecology


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Macroecology


  • Natural Sciences Elective Courses
    Course Number and Title Credits

    AGR 5230C Florida Grassland Agroecosystems


    AGR 5307 Molecular Genetics for Crop Improvement


    AGR 5444 Ecophysiology of Crop Plants


    AGR 6233 Tropical Grassland Agroecosystems


    AGR 6422C Environmental Crop Nutrition


    AOM 6932 Principles and Issues in Environmental Hydrology


    ANG 6930 Special Topics in Anthropology: Hunter-Gatherers


    BOT 5685C Tropical Botany


    BOT 5725C Taxonomy of Vascular Plants


    BOT 6935 Special Topics: Ecology and Natural History of the Tropics


    CWR 6252 Environmental Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals


    EES 6208 Principles of Water Chemistry I


    EES 6225 Atmospheric Chemistry


    EES 6307 Advanced Ecological Engineering


    EES 6308C Wetland Ecology


    ENY 4571/6576 Honey Bee Biology


    ENY 4573/6572 Beekeeping I/Apiculture I


    ENY 4574/6575 Beekeeping II/Apiculture II (requires ENY4573/6572 as a prerequisite)


    ENY 5006L Graduate Survey of Entomology Lab


    ENY 6203L Insect Ecology Laboratory


    ENV 6508 Wetland Hydrology


    FAS 6932 Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Fisheries Ecology & Management


    FAS 6932 Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Fish & Water Quality


    FNR 5335 Agroforestry


    FNR 6061 Conflict & Collaboration in Natural Resources


    FNR 6628 Watershed Restoration and Management


    FOR 5159 Ecology and Restoration of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems


    FOR 5161 Forest Productivity and Health


    FOR 5756 Non-Timber Forest Products


    FOR 6151 Forest Ecosystem Health


    FOR 6154 Analysis of Forest Ecosystems


    FOR 6170 Tropical Forestry


    FOR 6340 Physiology of Forest Trees


    FOR 6934 Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation


    GEO 5809 Geography of World Agriculture


    GEO 6255 Climatology


    GLY 5246 Geochemistry


    GLY 5247 Surface and Groundwater Interactions


    GLY 5255 Organic Geochemistry and Geobiology


    GLY 5558 Sedimentology


    GLY 5827 Ground Water Geology


    GLY 6075 Global Climate Change


    GLY 6256 Chemical Biomarkers in Aquatic Systems


    GLY 6826 Hydrologic Modeling


    GLY 6932 Global Sea Level


    GLY 6932 Paleoliminology


    GLY 6932 Stable Isotope Geochemistry


    GLY 6932 Survey of Geobiology


    HOS 6932 Advanced Ecological Restoration


    HOS 6932 Horticultural Physiology


    HOS 6991 Seed Biology


    MCB 5705 Astrobiology


    MCB 6781 Archaea and Biotechnology


    MCB 6937 Bacterial Physiology


    OCP 6050 Physical Oceanography


    ORH 5817C Advanced Florida Native Landscaping


    PCB 5356 Tropical Ecology


    PCB 6496C Stream Ecology


    PCB 6675C Evolution Biogeography


    PHC 6937 Special Topics in Public Health: Aquatic Systems and Environmental Health


    PLS 5265 Upland Invasive Plant Management


    PLS 5633 Aquatic Plant Management


    SWS 5247 Hydric Soils


    SWS 5406 Soil and Water Chemistry


    SWS 5424C Soil Chemical Analysis


    SWS 5605C Environmental Soil Physics


    SWS 5716C Environmental Pedology


    SWS 6448 Biogeochemistry of Wetlands and Aquatic Systems


    SWS 6454 Advanced Soil and Water Chemistry


    SWS 6932 Conservation Hydrology


    SWS 6992 Aquatic Toxicology: Science and Applications


    SWS 6932 Topics in Soils: Landscape Hydrology


    VME 6603 Advanced Toxicology


    VME 6605 Toxic Substances


    VME 6934 Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment


    WDS 6005 Weed Management for Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems.


    WIS 6XXX Coupled Human and Wildlife Systems


    WIS 6934 Topics in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Concepts of Adaptive Management


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Ecological Basis of Tropical Conservation


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Scales in Ecosystems


  • Social Sciences Elective Courses
    Course Number and Title
    AEB 6106 Microeconomic Principles and Analysis
    AEB 6225 Public Policy and the Agribusiness Firm
    AEC 5032 Agricultural and Natural Resources Media Writing
    AEC 5037 Agricultural Media Production (Podcasting to Increase Science Literacy section)
    AEC 5454 Leadership Development for Extension and Community Nonprofit Organizations
    AEC 5541 Instructional and Communication Technologies in Agriculture and Natural Resources
    AEC 6210 Designing Educational Programs in Agricultural Settings
    AEC 6211 Delivering Educational Programs in Agricultural Settings
    AEC 6300 Methodology of Planned Change
    AEC 6316 From America to Zimbabwe: An Overview of International Extension Systems
    AEC 6411 Organizational Leadership
    AEC 6419 Communication and Competencies for Global Leadership
    AEC 6426 Development of a Volunteer Leadership Program
    AEC 6501 Developing and Conducting Needs Assessments in Extension Settings
    AEC 6543 Teaching and Learning Theory: Applications in Agricultural Education and Communication
    AEC 6552 Evaluating Programs in Extension Education
    AEC 6611 Agricultural and Extension Adult Education
    ANG 5126 Zooarchaeology
    ANG 5164 The Inca and Their Ancestors
    ANG 5266 Economic Anthropology
    ANG 5330 The Tribal People of Lowland South America
    ANG 5352 Peoples of Africa
    ANG 5354 Anthropology of Modern Africa
    ANG 5531 Culture and Nutrition
    ANG 5700 Applied Anthropology
    ANG 6110 Archaeological Theory
    ANG 6273 Legal Anthropology
    ANG 6274 Principles of Political Anthropology
    ANG 6286 Seminar in Contemporary Theory: The Politics of Nature
    ANG 6930 Special Topics in Anthropology: Health, Contamination, and Culture
    ANG 6930 Special Topics in Anthropology: Hunter-Gatherers
    ARC 6399 Advanced Topics in Urban Design
    BOT 6927/LAW 6930 Advances in Botany: Comparative Forest Management & Policy
    BSC 6038 Broader Impacts of Science on Society
    CPO 6795 Environmental Politics
    CPO 6796 Water Politics
    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Adaptive Management: People and Policy
    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Environmental Institutions and Regulations
    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Global Environmental Policies and Institutions
    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Natural Resource and Environmental Policy
    FAS 6355C Fisheries Management
    FAS 6705 Fisheries and Aquaculture: An Economics Perspective
    FAS 6932 UF in the UK: Coastal Fisheries Management
    FOR 6005 Conservation Behavior
    FOR 6151 Communication and Negotiation in Environmental and Natural Resource Dispute Resolution
    FOR 6154 Analysis and Communication of Environmental Issues
    FOR 6164 Sustainable Ecotourism Development
    FOR 6215 Economics of Forest Resources
    FOR 6628 Community Fire Management
    GEO 5285 Food and Agriculture Policy
    GEO 5957C Communicating Science
    GEO 6938 Seminar in Food and Agricultural Geography
    LAS 6291 Conservation and Development Skills
    LAW 6474 Coastal and Ocean Law
    LAW 6930 Federal Wildlife Law
    LAW 6930 Law, Science, and Policy of Water Management
    LDE 6931 Regenerative Landscape Design
    MAR 6930 Special Topics in Marine Sciences: Marine Wildlife Health
    MMC 6402 Mass Communication Perspectives
    MMC 6660 Mass Media and Health
    MMC 6936 Special Topics in Mass Communication: Environmental Journalism
    MMC 6936 Special Topics in Mass Communication: Investigative Journalism
    NRG 6931 Advanced Topics in Natural Resource Governance: Natural Resource Governance for Inter-Sectoral Conflicts
    NRG 6931 Advanced Topics in Natural Resource Governance: The Role of Private Sector in Conservation
    PAD 6934 Topics in Public Administration: Public Lands and River Governance
    PAD 6934 Topics in Public Administration: Water Security and Governance
    PUP 6007 Policy Process
    PUP 6009 Public Policy Analysis
    PUP 6209 Urban Policy
    SCE 5695 Diversity and Equity in Science Teaching
    SCE 5846 Perspectives in Science and Environmental Education
    SWS 5115C Environmental Nutrient Management
    SWS 5551 Soils, Water, and Public Health
    SWS 5721C GIS in Soil and Water Science
    SWS 6136 Soil and Water Chemistry
    SWS 6306 Soil Physics
    SWS 6406 Environmental Soil Physics
    SWS 6722C Soil-Landscape Modeling
    URP 6421 Environmental Land Use Planning and Management
  • Sustainability Science Elective Courses
    Course Number and Title Credits
    ABE 5707C Agricultural Waste Management 3
    AEB 7453 Natural Resource Economics  
    ALS 5155 Global Agroecosystems  
    ANG 5303 Women & Development 3
    ANG 5702 Anthropology and Development 3
    ANG 6930 Special Topics in Anthropology: Plants and Culture 3
    ARC 6934 European Approach to Sustainable Design 3
    BCN 6580 High-Performance Green Building Delivery Systems 3
    BCN 6585 Sustainable Construction 3
    BCN 6586 Construction Ecology and Metabolism 3
    BCN 6641 Construction Value Engineering 3
    DCP 6931 Special Topics in Design, Construction, and Planning 3
    EVR 5705 Special Topics: Natural Resources and Innovation Systems  
    FAS 6356 Fisheries Enhancement  
    FAS 6932 Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Marine Protected Areas  
    FNR 6668 Natural Resources in a Changing Climate  
    FOR 5615 Forest Conservation and Management Policies and Issues  
    FOR 5626 Forest Resource Management  
    FOR 6155 Forest Ecosystem Resilience  
    FOR 6170 Tropical Forestry  
    FOR 6934 Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation: Education for Sustainability  
    FOR 6934 Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation: Field Skills for Forest Conservation  
    GEO 5605 Advanced Urban Geography  
    GEO 6938 Selected Topics in Geography: Community Conservation and Rural Development in Africa  
    GEO 6938 Selected Topics in Geography: Economic Principles and Tools for Conservation Managers in the Tropics  
    GEO 6938 Selected Topics in Geography: Land Use Land Cover Change  
    GEO 6938 Selected Topics in Geography: Management of Protected Areas in Africa and the Americas  
    GEA 6419 Seminar: South America  
    GEA 6466 Seminar on Geography of Amazonia  
    HMG 6740 Smart Cities, Attractions, and Theme Parks  
    ICM 6680 Principles of International Sustainable Construction 3
    INR 6039 International Political Economy  
    LAA 6231 Landscape Architecture Theory  
    LAS 6291 Conservation and Development Skills: Communication and Leadership Skills  
    LAS 6291 Conservation and Development Skills: Conflict and Collaboration Management  
    LAS 6291 Conservation and Development Skills: Facilitation Skills for Collaboration Management  
    LAS 6938 Seminar in Modern Latin American Studies: Amazon  
    LAS 6938 Seminar in Modern Latin American Studies: Foundations of Economic Analysis for Sustainable Development  
    LAS 6938 Seminar in Modern Latin American Studies: Tropical Resource  
    LAS 6938/ANG 6930 Special Topics: Anthropology of Development in Latin America  
    LAS 6940 Tropical Conservation and Development Practicum: Sustainable Development Practice  
    LEI 6351 Heritage Tourism  
    LEI 6557 Recreation Management in the Coastal Zone  
    LEI 6895 Tourism Theory and Concepts  
    LEI 6931 Sustaining Humans & their Environments – Australia (Study Abroad)  
    LEI 6931 Sustaining Humans & their Environments – New Zealand (Study Abroad)  
    LEI 6931 Sustaining Humans & their Environments – New Zealand (Study Abroad)  
    SUR 6427 Land Tenure and Administration  
    SWS 5115 Environmental Nutrient Management  
    SWS 5132 Tropical Soil Management  
    SWS 5805 Environmental Soil and Water Monitoring Techniques  
    SWS 6134 Soil Quality  
    SWS 6209 Urban Soil and Water Systems  
    SWS 6366 Biodegradation and Bioremediation  
    SWS 6932 Topics in Soils: Forest and Soil Ecosystem Services  
    SWS 6932 Watershed Planning and Management  
    SWS 6932 Topics in Soils: Forest and Soil Ecosystem Services  
    TTE 5006 Advanced Urban Transportation Planning 3
    URP 4273/6270 Introduction to Planning Information Systems  
    URP 4640/6645 Sustainable Urbanism in Europe  
    URP 4804/6646 International Perspectives in Urban and Regional Planning  
    URP 6445 Planning for Climate Change  
    VME 6934 Functional Genomics Applications in Toxicology  
    VME 6934 Topics in Veterinary Medicine Sciences: Aquatic Animal Conservation Issues  
  • Data Science Elective Courses

    Course Number and Title


    AEB 7333 Applied Valuation Method


    AEB 7571 Econometrics


    AGR 5266C Field Plot Techniques


    AGR 6932 / SWS 6932 Ecosystem Services: Theory, Methods, and Practice


    ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology


    ANG 6091 Research Strategies in Anthropology


    ANG 6930 Special Topics in Anthropology: Anthropology, GIS, and Human Ecosystems


    ECO 7427 Econometric Methods II


    ENV 6043 Life Cycle Assessment


    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Adaptive Management: Water and Watershed Systems

    ENV 6932 Special Problems in Environmental Engineering: Green Engineering Design and Sustainability

    FAS 6337C Fish Population Dynamics


    FAS 6339C Advanced Quantitative Fisheries Assessment


    FAS 6416 Spatial Ecology & Modeling of Fish Populations


    FNR 5072C Environmental Education Program Development


    FOR 6172C Tropical Forestry Field Course


    FOR 6543 Natural Resource Economics and Valuation


    FOR 6934 Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation: Field Skills for Forest Conservation


    FOR 6943 Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation: Forest Biometrics


    ZOO 6308 Dynamic Optimization Modeling in Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Ecological Modeling of Data


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Quantitative Methods & Ecological Inference


    ZOO 6927 Special Topics in Zoology: Statistical Principles for the Biological Sciences


SNRE Courses

Below are the syllabi of the graduate courses taught by SNRE. Other course syllabi are on the departmental or personal home pages of the professors teaching the courses. Most courses in the graduate curricula are taught in SNRE's partner departments. 

EVR 6933: SNRE Seminar

Each graduate student must register for the SNRE Seminar, EVR 6933, for 1 credit hour in a semester. SNRE also requires you also to take the SNRE Seminar a second time in another semester. For this second time of taking the SNRE Seminar, you can either register again for the seminar for 1 credit hour, or attend the seminar (you do not register for it). The seminar is offered in both fall and spring semesters. The schedule for each semester can be found here.

EVR 5705: Natural Resources and Innovation Systems
(Only offered Spring Semester)

ALS 5932: Environment and Society


The Graduate Catalog defines a concentration as a subprogram of courses offered within a graduate major. The School faculty established a concentration within the major to enable students to claim mastery of a traditional discipline in addition to the interdisciplinary major. 

The standard concentration in the Interdisciplinary Ecology major comprises 6 credit hours for the master's or 12 credit hours for the doctorate. Some concentrations may require additional hours. Ph.D. students are required to complete a concentration.

Note: 7979 and/or 7980 hours cannot count toward a concentration. Master's coursework cannot be applied to Ph.D. concentration hours.

Concentrations are audited according to their departmental degree program codes or concentration codes and thus are formally identified on the student's transcript. When planning your program of study, be sure that the courses intended for the concentration are all in one department's curriculum or else in an interdisciplinary concentration approved by the Graduate School.

  • Standard Concentrations
    • Agricultural and Biological Engineering
    • Agricultural Education and Communication
    • Agronomy
    • Anthropology
    • Architecture
    • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    • Botany
    • Business Administration
    • Chemistry
    • Civil Engineering
    • Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering
    • Economics
    • English
    • Entomology and Nematology
    • Environmental Engineering Sciences
    • Family Youth and Community Sciences
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
    • Food and Resource Economics
    • Food Science and Human Nutrition
    • Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
    • Foundations of Education
    • Geography
    • Geological Sciences
    • Health and Human Performance
    • Horticultural Science
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Mathematics
    • Microbiology and Cell Science
    • Nuclear Engineering Sciences
    • Philosophy
    • Political Science
    • Religion
    • Sociology 
    • Soil and Water Science
    • Statistics
    • Urban and Regional Planning
    • Veterinary Medical Sciences
    • Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
    • Zoology
  • Concentrations That Require Additional Hours