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School of Natural Resources and Environment

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Graduate Student Travel Grants

Source Requirements
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference
  • Must apply for matching funds 
Graduate Student Council
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference
IFAS/CALS Graduate Student Travel Grant
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference
  • 1:1 match from SNRE, host department, or another award 
UF Research and Graduate Programs Travel Grant
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference
  • 1:1 match from SNRE, host department, or another award  
James Davidson Graduate Travel Scholarship
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference 
Tropical Conservation and Development
  • Oral or poster presentation at a conference
  • Must be enrolled in the TCD Certificate of Concentration program 

$250 SNRE Travel Grants

Determining Eligibility for $250 SNRE Travel Grants

  • Students must present original research conducted for the Interdisciplinary Ecology degree at a conference.
    • You do not need to wait for notification of acceptance to the conference before applying for a travel grant.
  • Students must be registered as SNRE graduates during the entire time of travel. If your travel is during the summer term and you are not registered for summer, you must be registered during the preceding spring semester AND the following fall semester.
  • Students must be in good academic standing, as outlined in the graduate catalog, by the application deadline.
  • Students must apply for the IFAS travel grant.
  • Students are NOT eligible for a travel grant if they received one during the current or previous fiscal year, which runs from July 1 - June 30. For example, if you received a travel grant during the 2020-2021 fiscal year, you would not be eligible for another travel grant until July 2022, which is the start of the 2022-2023 fiscal year. 

If ALL of the above apply to you, then you are eligible to apply for a $250 SNRE travel grant.

The following criteria will be used to select winners:

  • Interdisciplinary research methods, good and sound science
  • Research represents UF well
  • Participation in SNRE events
  • Type of conference and type of delivery form
  • Other funds available

Applicants with the following qualifications may be given preference:

  • Presenting final research from M.S. or Ph.D.
  • Nearing expected graduation date
  • First SNRE travel grant during your present degree

Applying for a $250 SNRE Travel Grant

For conferences that begin between the dates: Apply by:
January 1st - March 31st November 1st
April 1st - June 30th February 1st
July 1st - September 30th May 1st
October 1st - December 31st August 1st

Early applications are encouraged, but late applications are not accepted. All travel grants are awarded on a reimbursable basis. NO PCARD EXPENSES WILL BE REIMBURSED BY SNRE. Submission of original receipts and a copy of the conference agenda are required to release funds.

Questions regarding travel grants should be directed to Varshitha Prasanna at