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School of Natural Resources and Environment

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Previous Technical Papers 

  • 2024

    Salman, Natalie
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: Carnivorous Plants in Florida and the Role of Micropropagation in their Conservation
    Chair/Faculty Advisor: Carrie Adams, Environmental Horticulture

  • 2023

    Marc Duquette
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: Promise and Pitfalls of a DNA Bulk Bone Metabarcoding in Zooarchaeology: Analysis of an Assemblage from the Site of Oxtotitlan, Guerrero, Mexico
    Chair/Faculty Advisor: Kitty Emery, Anthropology

  • 2022

    Littell, Joseph
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster spp.) and the Great Barrier Reef (download: Joseph Littell)
    Advisor: Steve Johnson, Wildlife Ecology & Conservation

  • 2021

    Logan, Tracey
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: Generation of in vitro cell lines, maintenance of lines, and creation of database (download: Tracey Logan)
    Advisor: Robert Ossiboff, Comparative, Diagnostic, and Population Medicine       

    Scherneck, Sam
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: International survey explores how risk assessment tools for invasive species can be utilized successfully (download: Sam Scherneck)
    Advisor: Deah Lieurance, Agronomy

  • 2019

    Hazan, Flavio
    M.S. Thesis: Evaluating Water Quality Impacts in Master Planned Communities Using the Watershed Assessment Model 
    Advisor: Pierce Jones, Resource Efficient Communities

    Jones, Ryan
    B.S. University of Florida
    M.S. Thesis: Merging Conservation Science and Visual Storytelling to Generate Calls to Action
    Advisor: Susan Jacobson, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

    Pepper, Alex
    M.S. Non-Thesis: Exotic pet ownership in Florida: A comprehensive guide​
    Advisor: Steve Johnson, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

  • 2018

    Szabo, Andrea
    M.S. Non-Thesis Paper: Conflict and Collaboration in the Blackfoot and Big Hole Watersheds of Montana, USA (download: Andrea Szabo)
    Advisor: Alison Adams, Forest Resources and Conservation