While You Are a Student
Before you graduate, be sure to explore these opportunities for professional development.
- Gain skills living and interacting with other students in residence life/IRHA (Inter-Residence Hall Association) or off-campus living.
- Study in small groups. Visit with the various campus tutoring services, such as the Teaching Center, the Writing Studio, and other college and departmental tutoring centers.
- Get involved in a student organization, society, or council. Build valuable people interaction and leadership skill sets.
- Explore Global Study opportunities with an advisor at the UFIC (UF International Center). Learn about other cultures and people in the world.
- Gain experience through laboratory work, research, and internships.
- Consider obtaining a minor.
- Create a Gator CareerLink and explore the activities, services, and programs of the CRC (Career Resource Center). Have your resume updated on a semesterly basis, visit with the CRC for a resume makeover/critique, and learn how to interview effectively.
- Attend the Career Showcases each semester to learn how to best utilize these career fairs as you search for internships, part-time jobs, or full-time employment.
- Explore graduate studies, combined degree programs, and prepare for the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, etc.
- By the time you graduate from UF, obtain 3-5 positive references.
Some information for undergraduate students who are looking for volunteer, research, laboratory, or paid experiences:
- UF has a Ctr for Undergraduate Research, please see: https://cur.aa.ufl.edu/
- Our college, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) has a website on getting involved in research, please see: https://cals.ufl.edu/getinvolved/research/
- Another way to go about seeking experiences is to look at what type of experience do you want to obtain:
- Something in soil and water sciences? From the SWS website, under “research” please see: https://soils.ifas.ufl.edu/research/
- Another example is something in Env. Horticulture, please see their “research” areas, https://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/research-mobile/
- Look at different UF and CALS departments and reach out to specific faculty members after you review their websites.
- Look at/consider volunteer or paid experiences with the following:
- The UF field and fork, https://fieldandfork.ufl.edu/
- The UF Office of Sustainability, https://sustainable.ufl.edu/
- In Gainesville, about 10 miles away (but no bus route there), the USGS: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/wetland-and-aquatic-research-center-warc
- Speak to any professors you have developed a good working relationship with during your classes, such as through outstanding in-class participation or frequent visits during office hours.
- UF HR sometimes posts OPS or temporary jobs that are paid: https://explore.jobs.ufl.edu/cw/en-us/listing/ (Change the search filters on the right-hand side of the screen to do a correct search though. For filters: we suggest part-time, temporary. If you are on college work-study, the student assistant filter may be good to look at.)