Ryan Z. Good, Ph.D.
Instructional Assistant Professor, SNRE
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Geography
Affiliate Faculty, Tropical Conservation & Development Program
Affiliate Faculty, Center for African Studies
Affiliate Faculty, UF Water Institute
- EVR2001 Introduction to Environmental Science
- EVS4932 Climate Entrepreneurship
- IDS2935 Why Maps Matter (Quest 2)
- IDH2930 (Un)Common Reads
Research Interests
Trained as a geographer, I am uniquely positioned to study cross-cutting questions of interest to many disciplines and using a variety of methods. My training in both environmental and economic research is complemented by robust geospatial expertise, allowing me to use a variety of data sources to answer complex research questions about the relationships between human activity and environmental change. My current work focuses on topics of agricultural and natural resource management and policy, land use & land cover change, and urban-rural interactions, focused on developing and emerging regions, especially East and Southern Africa.
School of Natural Resources and Environment
University of Florida
Office: 2049 McCarty Hall D
Office Phone: (352) 294-6348
Mailbox: PO Box 116455, Gainesville, FL 32611
Email: ryangood@ufl.edu