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School of Natural Resources and Environment

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Affiliate Faculty

This list should be used only as a guide. Individual faculty homepages should be used as the primary source for contact information, specializations, and research conducted.

If you are an affiliate and would like to update your listing, email

A-Z Index of Affiliate Faculty





Acevedo, Miguel
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Quantitative Population Ecology, Wildlife Disease Ecology, Spatial Ecology, and Theoretical Ecology

Adams, Alison
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Sociology, Social Movements, Community Organizations, Environmental Justice, Sociological Theory, Qualitative Research Methods

Adams, Carrie
Environmental Horticulture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant Ecology, Restoration of Ecosystem Structure and Function, Establishment of Native Plant Communities, Invasive Plant Management

Adams, Damian
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Human values of and impacts on ecosystem goods and services, Economics, Policy

Adams, Peter
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Process Geomorphology, Surface Processes, and Landform Evolution

Allen, Mike
Nature Coast Biological Station
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fish population and community dynamics, fishing mortality, fisheries management

Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica
Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecotourism as a development and conservation strategy in the tropics, Tropical Sustainable Development, Sustainable tourism and land-use dynamics, Ecotourism and natural protected areas

Altieri, Andrew
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Human impacts on coastal ecosystems, particularly the ecological interactions that underlie the response of biogenic habitats and their associated communities to those impacts

Anantharam, Anita
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Transnational Feminism, Postcolonial Theory, Food Politics and Sustainability, Women, Business, and Leadership

Andreu, Michael
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sustainable Forest Management, Quantification of Ecosystem Services, Restoration Ecology, Silviculture

Angelini, Christine
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Understanding the organization and resilience of natural systems

Annable, Michael
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Physical-chemical processes related to subsurface remediation, measuring groundwater flow and contaminant flux in aquifers

Asche, Frank
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sustainable Seafood Production, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, Seafood Trade

Ash, Kevin
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental hazards topics such as vulnerability, resilience, risk communication & perception, evacuation, and disaster loss data as well as GIS & geospatial analysis and modeling

Austin, James "Jim"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation Genetics, Phylogeography, Phylogenetics



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Bacon, Allan
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Contemporary Environmental Implications of Subsoil Morphology in Spodosols and Ultisols, Drivers and Implications of Inter- and Intra-horizon Variability of Subsoil C Cycle, Utilization of Soil Taxonomy to Predict Soil Physical Properties

Baiser, Benjamin
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: How Ecological Communities Assemble, Change, and Collapse

Baker, Shirley
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Physiological Ecology of Bivalve Mollusks

Balaguera-Reina, Sergio
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation biology, Structural and functional roles of crocodilians in aquatic and coastal systems, Phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships, Environmental (stochastic and anthropogenic) biogeography

Barry, Savanna
Nature Coast Biological Station
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Seagrasses, coastal ecology, water quality, horseshoe crabs, living shorelines, habitat restoration, management agency collaboration

Bartels, Wendy-Lin
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Anthropology, Community engagement, Scientist-stakeholder networks, Inter-agency partnerships, Rural development, Family farming

Baruzzi, Carolina
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
North Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Wildlife responses to disturbance and management; Wildlife effects on management outcomes; Approaches to integrate wildlife responses and effects on their own habitat to improve wildlife management

Bayabil, Haimanote
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Tropical Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Water Resources Management, Soil Hydrology, Irrigation, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture Dynamics, Precision Agriculture

Bean, Eban
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Stormwater Management, Water Quantity and Quality Issues, Low Impact Development, Sustainable Urban Development to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution

Behringer, Donald
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Marine Disease Ecology and Epidemiology, Resilience and Restoration of Marine Communities, Ecology and Behavior of Marine Invertebrates

Bhadha, Jehangir "Jango"
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Everglades Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Phosphorus Biogeochemistry, Role of Biological Transformations in Soils and Sediments, Internal Loading of Nutrients Across Soil-Water Interface, Improving Soil Health and Fertility in Depleted Areas

Bjorndal, Karen
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Nutritional Ecology of Vertebrate Herbivores, Biology of Sea Turtles

Blackburn, David
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Understanding the diversity, evolution, and natural history of amphibians and reptiles

Blackburn, Jason
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Zoonotic Diseases, Wildlife Diseases, Disease Transmission Pathways and Spillover Between Species, Ecological Niche Modeling, Spatio-temporal Modeling for Epidemiology, Disease Ecology, Anthrax Transmission Dynamics

Bliznyuk, Nikolay
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Bayesian Statistics, Computational Statistics, Computer Experiments, Environmental Applications, High-dimensional Data, Inverse Problems, Monte Carlo Methods, Spatial and Spatiotemporal Modeling

Bohlman, Stephanie
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: How species/functional group composition and forest structure will respond to climate change and the effects of these responses on ecosystem functioning

Bonzongo, Jean-Claude
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biogeochemistry, Cycling, Regulation, and Biological Role of Trace Metals and Nutrients, Fate and Transport of Pollutants in Aquatic Systems, Isotope Tracers of Hydrologic and Geologic Processes

Boote, Kenneth
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Crop physiology and crop growth modeling

Branch, Lyn
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology and Conservation of South American Mammals, Habitat Fragmentation and Dynamics of Wildlife Populations, Spatial Structuring of Populations, Role of Animals in Altering Landscape Dynamics and Ecosystem Processes

Braswell, Anna
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Understanding legacy effects of humans on coastal marsh geomorphology and biogeochemistry, Historical development of coastal towns and communities, Effects of disturbance on coastal marshes, and Coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise

Brenner, Mark
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Limnology, Paleolimnology, Tropical and Subtropical Lakes and Watersheds

Broadbent, Eben
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Tropical forest ecology, Remote sensing, Conservation biology, Ecosystem and canopy ecology, Geospatial analyses, Human-environment interactions integrating field surveys and participatory mapping in high biodiversity regions, Landscape simulation models

Bruck, Jules
Landscape Architecture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: coastal resilience, green infrastructure and public perception of sustainable landscape practices

Bruna, Emilio
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: How human activities influence plant-animal interactions and plant population dynamics, development of science in Latin America

Brym, Zachary "Zack"
Tropical Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Role of biodiversity and scale in agroecosystems, distribution and management of invasive plant and pest species, impacts of management practices on crop production and environmental conservation

Buschbacher, Robert
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Economics of seafood, energy, food production, and other natural resource issues


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Callaghan, Corey
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Urban ecology, citizen science

Campbell, Lindsay
Entomology and Nematology
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Spatial ecology, arthropod vector species, landscape genetics

Camp, Edward "Ed"
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: His extension and research focuses on the interconnected ecological, socioeconomic and governance dynamics that influence value, market activity, ecosystem function and ultimately stakeholder quality of life

Campos-Krauer, Juan
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation; Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Emerging zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, wildlife ecology, health and conservation, animal microbiota, veterinary parasitology, historical biogeography, phylogeography, biodiversity, and invasive species

Carlson, Andrew
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fisheries ecology and management, stream ecology, river ecology, coupled human and natural systems, social-ecological systems

Carney, Jeffrey "Jeff"
Google Scholar
Research Interests: The interface of housing, neighborhoods, and ecosystems with a focus on climate change adaptation

Carthy, Raymond "Ray"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology of Endangered Species, Reproductive Ecology and Physiology of Coastal Wetland Herpetofauna, Freshwater Turtles

Chagaris, David
Nature Coast Biological Station
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecosystem Modeling, Fisheries Ecology and Management

Chapman, Frank
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Reproductive Biology and Larval Development of Sturgeon

Chase, Carlene
Horticultural Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Reducing Environmental Impact of Weed Management, Methyl Bromide Alternatives, Cover Crops and Living Mulches

Child, Brian
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Protected Area Management, Conservation of Natural Resources, Africa

Clark, Mark
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Wetland Nutrient Assimilation and Storage Processes, Vegetative Succession Dynamics, Wetland Macrophyte Ecophysiology, Ecological Engineering Design Using Wetland Processes

Clarke, Mysha
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: environmental decision-making, human dimensions of forest management

Coenen, Danny
Natural Resources and Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, Modeling Regional Climate Change

Coers, Natalie
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Intercultural development, Programmatic leadership development, Learning through study abroad

Cohen, Matthew "Matt"
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Watershed Hydrology and Biogeochemistry, Wetland Processes

Contreras, Daniel "Dan"
Google Scholar
Research Interests: human-environment interactions, particularly anthropogenic components of dynamic landscapes and environmental change

Court, Christa
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Regional economic modeling, the energy-water nexus, applied spatial econometrics, environmental accounting, and connections in human and natural systems

Crandall, Raelene
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Disturbance Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Invasive Species, Population & Community Ecology, Restoration & Management

Cropper, Wendell
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Simulation Modeling of Plantation and Natural Forests, Matrix Population Modeling of Tree and Palm Species, Mechanistic Modeling of Physiological and Ecological Processes, Modeling of Nutrient Uptake in Roots and Mycorrhizae


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Daniels, Jaret
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Insect Ecology, Population Dynamics and Conservation of Lepidoptera and Native Insect Pollinators, Integrated Crop Pollination, Road Ecology, Imperiled Species Recovery

Daroub, Samira
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Everglades Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Phosphorus Chemistry and Transformation in Organic Soils Under Flooded Conditions, Computer Simulation Models to Predict Phosphorous Availability for Plants

Daniels, Michael
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biostatistics, Bayesian methodology, Methodology for (incomplete) longitudinal data, Methodology for casual inference

Davis, Jack
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental History

deFrance, Susan
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Zooarchaeology, Coastal Adaptations, Andean Empires, Central Andes, Caribbean

Denslow, Nancy
Physiological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Developing and Using Molecular Biomarkers to Evaluate Changes in Gene Expression Depending on Stress or Exposure to Contaminants

Diaz, John
Agricultural Education and Communication

Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Social and behavior change, Cultural competency, Evaluation capacity building, Wellness, Community development, Public Health

DiMaggio, Matthew "Matt"
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Culture of ornamental fish species in Florida, Reproductive endocrinology, Stress physiology, Osmoregulation

Diehl, David
Family, Youth, and Community Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Evaluation Research, Youth in Foster Care, Community Resource Organizations, Child Welfare

Dubeux, Jose
North Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Developing sustainable livestock production systems

Dukes, Michael
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Water Quantity and Quality Issues, Crop Consumptive Use/Evapotranspiration, Best Management Practices to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution



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Emery, Kitty
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Archaeology, Central America

Enloe, Stephen
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Terrestrial and Aquatic Invasive Plant Biology, Ecology, and Management

Enloe, Heather
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Water science

Ennes, Megan
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Science Communication, Museum Education

Ernest, Morgan
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Empirical Community Ecology and Macroecology, Intersection of Theoretical and Empirical Ecology



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Fletcher, Robert
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Landscape and Spatial Ecology, Habitat and Resource Selection by Animals, Spatial Demography, Networks, Animal Behavior and Its Influence at Large Scales, Predicting Species Distributions, Habitat Fragmentation and Connectivity, Biodiversity Conservation, Quantitative Ecology

Flory, S. Luke
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Invasive Plant Ecology, Habitat Susceptibility to Invasions, Invasion Impact on Community and Ecosystem Processes, Long-term Plant Invasion and Native Dynamics

Francis-Floyd, Ruth
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences; Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fish Pathology, Health Management of Ornamental Fish, Reef Fish, Nutritional Management of Captive Atlantic Surgeonfish

Frank, Kathryn
Urban and Regional Planning
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Planning Practices to Improve Regional Resilience and Global Sustainability

Fu, Rachel
Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Impacts of Climate Change on Business and Communities



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Gao, Zhifeng
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for Selected Attributes of Food Products

Gerber, Stefan
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Terrestrial Nutrient Dynamics, Land Carbon Sequestration, Climate Change

Gettys, Lyn
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Aquatic and Wetland Plants in Florida and Southeastern United States, Biology, Ecology, and Control of Introduced Exotic Species, Propagation, Nursery Production, Habitat Restoration, and Phytoremediation of Native Plants

Gilbert, Robert
UF/IFAS Office of the Senior Vice President
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sugarcane Agronomy and Biofuels, Sugarcane Cultivar Development, Energy Cane Cultivar Development, Green Cane Harvesting, Transgenic Sugarcane

Gold, Martin
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Technologies, Infrastructural, Civic, and Residential Projects Responsive to Climate and Character of Florida Landscape

Golmohammadi, Golmar
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Range Cattle Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sustainable water management

Good, Ryan
Natural Resources and Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Agricultural and natural resource management and policy, land use & land cover change, urban-rural interactions in developing and emerging regions, especially East and Southern Africa

Gordon, Doria
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant Ecology, Fire and Species Restoration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems, Identification and Prediction of Non-indigenous Plant Species, Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Habitats, Rare Species Biology, Demography, and Management

Goss, Erica
Plant Pathology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Origins, Evolution, Population Genetic Structure, and Migration of Plant Pathogens, Host-Pathogen Coevolution, Molecular Evolution of Virulence

Graham, Wendy
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Hydrology, Groundwater

Grogan, Kelly
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Bioeconomic Modeling, Economically Optimal Pest Control Across Time and Space, Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices, Natural Resource Economics, Pest Management, Biological Control, Risk Management

Grunwald, Sabine
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Soil-Landscape Modeling and Pedometrics, Environmetrics, Geographic Information Systems and Landscape Dynamics, Soil and Remote Sensing Applications

Guralnick, Robert "Rob"
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Spatiotemporal changes in genetic and species diversity, occupancy modeling, spatial ecological modeling, landscape genetics, molecular phylogenetics

Guzmán, Sandra
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Indian River Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Simulating crop yield, water and nutrient; Applying artificial intelligence to forecast hydrologic variables; Developing programs for efficient use of water; Evaluating smart irrigation technologies


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Hahn, Daniel "Dan"
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Rapid adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, and seasonal biology of insects both from basic research and applied agricultural perspectives.

Hahn, Philip "Phil"
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant-herbivore interactions, evolution of plant defense, spatial variation in plant-herbivore interactions, and community ecology.

Hammond, William
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant Mortality, Plant Ecophysiology, Plant Hydraulics, Spectral Ecophysiology, Hyperspectral Imaging, Anthropogenic Climate Change, Global Change Ecology, Plant Stress, Controlled Systems Design

Hanson, Rebecca
Sociology and Criminology & Law; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Crime and Citizen Security; Political Sociology; Urban Sociology; Policing; Social Movements and Citizen Participation; Gender; Latin America; Qualitative Methods

Hatfield, Kirk
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling, Groundwater Remediation, Surface Water and Groundwater Monitoring, Water Resource Allocation Modeling

He, Zhenli
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Indian River Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biogeochemical Processes, Management of Nutrients and Contaminants in Soil-Plant-Water Systems, Waste Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Quality, Soil Quality and Ecological Health, Remediation of Contaminated or Degraded Soil and Water Systems

Heckenberger, Michael
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Non-Western Cultures of the Humid Tropics, Pre-Industrial Complex Societies, Built Environment, Cultural Memory and Landscape, Historical and Political Ecology, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Anthropology of the Body

Hellgren, Eric
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Ecology of Wildlife Species, Competition, Resource Partitioning, Life History Variation

Hensel, Marc
Nature Coast Biological Station
Google Scholar
Research Interest: Biodiversity, Megafauna, Predators, Coastal Conservation, Climate Change Resiliency, Food Webs, Fisheries, Climate Change Resiliency

Hill, Jeff
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences

Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology, life history, and effects of non-native species in aquatic systems; Tropical ornamental aquaculture; Ecology, life history, and taxonomy of freshwater fishes from the southeastern USA and from tropical regions worldwide

Hochmair, Hartwig Henry
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Spatio-temporal Analysis of Geo-data using Geographic Information Systems, Travel Behavior, Dispersal Patterns of Invasive Termites, Data Quality Analysis of Free Geo-data

Hoctor, Thomas
Landscape Architecture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Application of landscape ecology and conservation biology to: Regional planning, Greenway and wildlife corridor design, Large carnivore ecology and conservation, Focal species habitat modeling, and Geographic information systems applications in conservation planning

Holt, Robert "Bob"
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Theoretical and Conceptual Issues at Population and Community Levels of Ecological Organization, Linking Ecology with Evolutionary Biology, Conservation Biology, Habitat Fragmentation

Hoogenboom, Gerrit
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Crop Modeling, Decision Support Systems, Food Security

Hostetler, Mark
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Urban Ecology and Environmental Design, Sustainable Development, Urban Wildlife, Resource Efficient Communities

Hull, Vanessa
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Large mammal ecology and conservation, coupled human and natural systems, human-wildlife conflict and coexistence, natural resource management

Hundemer, Sadie
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Stakeholder conflict and collaboration, Political polarization of agricultural and natural resource issues, Values and worldviews, Water sustainability communication, Climate change communication, Communication for environmental justice, Mental modeling, Wicked problems



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Iannone III, Basil
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Land development and land use change, Spatial analysis, Ecosystem services and functioning, Ecological restoration, Biological invasions

Inglett, Patrick
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: In Situ Rates of Biogeochemical Processes Involving Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur Cycling, Salt and Freshwater Wetland Marshes, Lakes, Rivers, Springs, Cyanobacterial Mat Nitrogenase Activity

Irani, Tracy
Family, Youth, and Community Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Public Understanding of Science and Technology, Crisis and Risk Communication, Public Opinion Issues Analysis


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Jawitz, James
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Minimizing Human Impacts on Natural Hydrologic Ecosystems, Watersheds, Wetlands, Aquifers, Hydrological Models of Natural and Constructed Wetlands, Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

Ji, Xinde "James"
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Climate Change; Economic Development

Johnson, Steve
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation and Management of Amphibians and Reptiles, Invasive Vertebrate Ecology

Johnson, Daniel
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Forest dynamics, Forest regeneration, Production ecology, Tree survival, Forest health

Jones, Douglas
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Marine Mollusks as Indicators of Past and Present Environmental Conditions

Judge, Jasmeet
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Linking changes in dynamic vegetation to passive microwave remote sensing; Understanding scaling issues for assimilating remotely sensed data in crop and SVAT models


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Kadyampakeni, Davie
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Citrus Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Soil and water management and conservation, nutrient management, irrigation and drainage management, water and nutrient best management practices, crop production, soil and crop modeling

Kahler, Jessica
Sociology and Criminology & Law
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Community-based wildlife crime prevention, Conservation criminology, Environmental Justice, Situational Crime Prevention, Wildlife Crime, Wildlife Guardianship

Kainer, Karen
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Advancement and Application of the Ecological Sciences to Support Conservation of Neotropical Ecosystems Through Sustainable Use, Community-Based Forest Management Systems

Kane, Andrew "Andy"
Environmental and Global Health
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Aquatic Pathology and Toxicology, Environmental Health, Low-Level Stress Outcomes in Aquatic Organisms, Behavioral Toxicology, Infectious Diseases Including Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria, Water Quality, Environmental Change, Zoonoses, Global Health, Scientific Outreach

Kaplan, David
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Development of Hydrologic and Ecological Models, Ecological Restoration, Feedbacks Between Biological, Hydrological, and Human Systems, Impacts of Altered Hydrology on Structure and Function of Wetlands

Kawahara, Akito
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Evolution and Diversity of Invertebrates, Lepidoptera, Phylogenetic, Behavioral, Functional Genomic, and Biodiversity Informatics Approaches

Keellings, David
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Earth System Science; Climatology; Catastrophes, Conservation, & Conflict; Sustainability & Global Environmental Change; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Keiser, C. Nick
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Behavioral Ecology, Disease Ecology

Kiker, Greg
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecosystem and Hydrological Modeling for South Florida and Southern African Ecosystems, Simulation of Beef Cattle Farming Systems for Ecological and Enterprise Sustainability, Food/Ecology/Marine System Integration into Decision Support and Scenario Analysis Systems for the Caribbean Region

Kimball, Rebecca
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Evolutionary Biology, Phylogenetics and the Use of Phylogenies for Comparative Studies, Microevolutionary Processes, Linking Changes in the Genome with Changes at the Organismal Level

Klizentyte, Kotryna
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecosystem Services, Economic valuation to inform natural resource policy and management decisions

Knowles, Hal
Sustainability and the Built Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Geospatial and modeling in natural resources

Kowalewski, Michal
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Paleoecology, Taphonomy, Geochronology, Stratigraphy, Quantitative Methods, Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Mollusks, Brachiopods

Krigbaum, John
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Paleoanthropology, Bioarchaeology, Human Osteology, Paleopathology, Paleodiet Reconstruction, Southeast Asia


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Lamb, Robert
Nature Coast Biological Station
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology and functional diversity of marine fishes in the context of environmental change, Amino acid-specific stable isotopes to study reef fish food web stochasticity, Climate change

Larkin, Iske
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Effectiveness of Online Learning Strategies, Manatee Reproduction, Physiology, and Behavior, Male Manatee Reproductive Anatomy

Larkin, Sherry
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Economic Issues Related to Forestry, Precision Farming, Harmful Algal Blooms, and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Lashley, Marcus
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Disturbance Ecology, Plant Community Structure, Competition, Predator-Prey Dynamics

Laughinghouse IV, H. Dail
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Cyanobacteria, toxic algae, harmful algal blooms, algae, systematics, cyanotoxins, water quality, biodiversity, remediation, algaecides/herbicides, molecular ecology

Leary, James
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Invasive plant species management in natural and managed landscapes

Leibold, Mathew
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Community ecology and aquatic ecology

Lescord, Gretchen
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Applied limnology, freshwater lake monitoring and management

Li, Jiayang
Landscape Architecture 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: The intersection of landscape design and climate change adaptation

Li, Yuncong
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Tropical Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fertilizer Technology and Management Practices, Plant Nutrition and Water Quality, Nutrient Cycling in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems, South Florida Ecosystems

Liao, Hui-Ling "Sunny"
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences

North Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: symbiosis research, particularly microbial mutualisms; understanding relationships between microbial diversity and their function to the ecosystem

Liburd, Oscar
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Small Fruit and Vegetable Pest Management with Emphasis on Blueberry Pests

Lichstein, Jeremy
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Forest Dynamics, Biodiversity, Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Forest Ecosystems, Forest Diversity

Lin, Yang
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecosystem ecology, belowground biogeochemistry, and soil health

Loiselle, Bette
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Tropical Ecology, Conservation Biology, Ecology of Seed Dispersal, Population Dynamics of Birds, Spatial Structure and Social Organization of Leks and Consequences for Reproductive Skew and Population Structure in Manakins

Loizzo, Jamie
Agricultural Education and Communication 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Science Communication, Multimedia and Mobile, Science Literacy, Non-formal/informal Science Engagement, Arts-based research


Longo, Ana V.
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Amphibian disease ecology, evolution, and conservation; microbial ecology; invasive species

Lord, Cynthia
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Disease Transmission, Vector-Borne Diseases, Modeling, Ecology and Epidemiology of Pathogens, West Nile Virus in Florida, Pesticide Interactions

Lorenzen, Kai
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Integrative, Trans-Disciplinary Research in Support of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Conservation, Quantitative Ecology, Human Dimensions, Management Initiatives

Lowerre-Barbieri, Sue
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Marine fisheries, reproductive ecology, population ecology, spatial ecology

Lucky, Andrea
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ant systematics, phylogenomics, ecology, impacts of invasive species, science communication, entomology education, public participatory science

Luo, Yi
Landscape Architecture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Built Environment Resilience, Renewable Energy, Smart Buildings/Cities, Sustainable Architecture and Design, Sustainable Construction

Lusk, Mary
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Urban water quality, stormwater, and low impact development for urban areas; urban fertilizer ordinances; pathogens in water bodies; onsite wastewater treatment; urban agriculture



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MacDonald, Gregory
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Weed Science, International Agronomy, Invasive Species Management, Plant/Herbicide Interaction

MacFadden, Bruce
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fossil Vertebrates, Stable Isotopes, Global Change, Paleobiology, Macroevolution, and Paleoecology of Neogene Mammals of the Americas, Diagenesis of Fossil Bones and Teeth

Mackowiak, Cheryl
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
North Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Elemental (N, P, C) Cycling in Soils Under Perrenial Pasture-Hay Cropping Systems, Fertility Requirements for Nutrient Best Management Practice Advancement, Development of Soil Nutrient Management Strategies

Main, Martin
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Behavioral Ecology, Habitat Management, Environmental Education, Florida Master Naturalist Program

Mallinger, Rachel
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Bee Biology and Ecology, Integrating Landscape and Community Ecology

Maltais-Landry, Gabriel
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Nutrient, pesticide, and waste management; Carbon dynamics and ecosystem services

Martin, Ellen
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology, Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry, Marine Sediments

Martin, Jonathan
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Geochemistry of Water, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology of Carbonate Aquifers, Sea Level Change, and Effects on Coastal Aquifers, Weathering in Deglaciated Watersheds in Greenland

Martin, Julien
USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecological Modeling, Population Dynamics and Application of Decision Theory to Natural Resource Management

Martin, Timothy
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Tree Physiology, Physiological Mechanisms Controlling Productivity, Carbon and Water Flux in Trees and Forests

Martinez, Christopher
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Urban Water Resources and Nonpoint Source Pollution; Watershed Modeling; Use of Climate Information in Water Resource, Agricultural, and Ecological Management, Planning, and Decision Making

Matcham, Emma
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Resiliency of Agronomic Crop Production Systems, Nutrient Cycling within Agroecosystems

Matyas, Corene
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Tropical Climatology, Hurricanes, Severe Weather, Remote Sensing of Rainfall, Natural Hazards

Mazzotti, Frank
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation Planning, Endangered Species, Impacts of Human Activities on Fish and Wildlife Resources, Landscape Ecology, Environmental Education

McCarty, Christopher "Chris"
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Social Network Analysis, Personal Network Analysis, Migrants, Disasters, Hypertension, Substance Abuse, Co-offending

McCleery, Robert "Bob"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation and Ecology of Mammals, Urban Ecology, Wildlife Management

McGowan, Conor
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Decision support science, especially endangered species decision making; Population dynamics; Predictive modeling of species status; Harvest decision modeling; Quantitative methods for population assessment

McKune, Sarah
Environmental and Global Health
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Global health development programs, Child growth and nutritional outcomes, Global health nutrition and food security

Meyer, Julie
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Bioinformatics, Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems, Soil-Water-Plant

Migliaccio, Kati
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: GIS Modeling Linking Landscape Characteristics and Water Resource Data, Evaluation of Automatic Evapotranspiration-based Irrigation Scheduling Controllers, Assessment of Water Savings, Capillary Rise in South Florida Soils

Miller, Christine
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Diversity and Functional Performance of Animal Weapons, Context-Dependent Sexual Selection

Miller, David
Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Psychometrics and Large Scale Assessment, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Design

Miller, Deborah "Debbie"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
West Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Coastal Dune and Wetland Ecology and Restoration, Upland Groundcover Ecology and Restoration, Disturbance Ecology, Invasive Species Ecology, Plant-Animal Interactions

Minogue, Patrick
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
North Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Silviculture, Herbicide Technology for Reforestation and Improved Productivity and Health of Southern Pine and Hardwood Forests

Monaghan, Paul
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Community-Based Social Marketing as a Tool for Environmental Behavior Change, Residential Behavior in Landscaping and the Impact on Natural Resource Sustainability

Morales, Nia
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Human Dimensions, Conservation Social Science

Morrison, Elise
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Biogeochemistry, Microbial Ecology, Coastal Ecosystems, Freshwater Wetlands

Mossa, Joann
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fluvial Geomorphology, Disturbed/Modified Rivers and River Restoration, Fluvial and Coastal Hazards, Riverine-Coastal Interactions

Moulton, Michael
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Introduced Vertebrates, Introduced Birds and Reptiles, Synanthropy

Mullally, Conner
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Evaluation of Policy Interventions Related to Agricultural Production, Agricultural Extension and Technology Adoption Programs in Developing Countries

Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Hydrology and Ecological Systems Analysis, Hydrology and Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling, Uncertainty and Sensitivity of Environmental Models

Murie, Debra
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fisheries Ecology and Population Dynamics, Age and Growth of Exploited Species, Conservation of Protected Species, Reproductive Cycles, Productivity

Myers, Brian
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Agriscience Curriculum Development and Implementation, Agriculture Teacher Education, Design and Delivery of Professional Development

Mylavarapu, Rao
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Management of Nutrients, Pesticides, and Wastes, Remediation of Contaminated Soils, Waters, and Aquifers, Soil Quality/Ecosystem Services, Soil/Landscape Analysis


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Nair, Vimala
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Fate and Transport of Phosphorus from Agricultural Lands, Animal-Based Agriculture Water Quality, Agroforestry, Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential

Nichols, James "Jim"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Animal Population Ecology, Wildlife Ecology, Occupancy Modeling, Biometrics


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Olexa, Michael
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Agricultural and Natural Resource Law and Policy

Oli, Madan
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Population Ecology, Population Modeling, Life-History, Wildlife Ecology and Management

Osborne, Todd
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biogeochemical Cycling of Organic Carbon and Other Nutrients in Wetland Soils and Aquatic Ecosystems, Role of Organic Matter as Driver and Modulator of Wetland Ecosystem Functions

Ossiboff, Robert
Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Diagnostic anatomic pathology of non-domestic animals, with emphasis on amphibian, reptile, and aquatic species; Molecular diagnostics and pathogen discovery, with emphasis on diseases of amphibians and reptiles; and Establishing cell lines from non-domestic species

Overdevest, Christine
Sociology and Criminology & Law
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Sociology, Economic Sociology, Regulation, New Governance, Environmental Certification and Sustainability Standards

Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Historical Ecology, Evolution of Ideology, Ecology of Religion, Indigenous Peoples of South America, Origins of Technology and Food Production, History and Theory of Latin American Archaeology and Anthropology


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Page, Lawrence "Larry"
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Freshwater Fishes, Protection of Aquatic Natural Areas, Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships, Speciation Processes in Freshwater Organisms

Palmer, Todd
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Species Coexistence, Ecology and Evolution of Mutualisms, Role of Ecosystem Engineers in Structuring Rangeland Communities, East Africa

Patterson, Joshua
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Use of aquaculture in coral reef restoration (corals, sponges, Diadema sea urchins), restoration and protection of seagrasses, bay scallop population enhancement, fisheries aspects of large-scale habitat restorations, and oyster reef restoration

Patterson, Will
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Population Dynamics, Habitat Utilization, Population Connectivity, Food Web Structure, Fisheries Assessment, Fisheries Management

Paula-Moraes, Silvana V.
Entomology and Nematology
West Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Crop Pest Management, Insect ecology, Integrated Pest Management and Insect resistance management

Paulay, Gustav
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biogeography, Evolution, Systematics, and Natural History of Invertebrates, Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography, Dynamics of Species Diversity and Distributions, Marine Speciation, Island Biology

Paulson, Susan
Anthropology; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Political Ecology, Gender/Class/Race/Ethnicity, Research Methodologies, Sustainable Science, Degrowth

Perez, Hector
Environmental Horticulture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Seed Biology, Seed Viability in Soil or in Germplasm Storage, Seed Interaction with Environmental Change, Seed Response to Applied Germination Enhancement

Perz, Stephen
Sociology and Criminology & Law
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Development, Sociology of Latin America, Global and Transnational Sociology, Rural Sociology, Demography, Social and Ecological Impacts of Infrastructure in the Amazon

Peterson, Anna
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Religion and Social Change in Latin America, Environmental and Social Ethics, Animal Studies, Politics and Ethics of Companion Animal Rescue, Social and Ecological Context of Outdoor Cats

Phlips, Edward "Ed"
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Planktonic Primary Production in the Suwannee River Estuary and Indian River Lagoon, Toxic Algae, Optimization of Algae Species for Biofuels

Pilyugin, Sergei
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Mathematical Biology, Population Dynamics, Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations

Ponciano, Jose Miguel
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Statistical and Theoretical Ecology, Population Dynamics and State Space Models, Stochastic Processes in Ecology, Evolution, Phylogenetics

Porazinska, Dorota
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Nematode Diversity and Ecology, Soil Biodiversity, Plant-Soil Biotic Interactions

Porzecanski, Ignacio
Natural Resources and Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: How the Biological Sciences Can Devise Means of Understanding Natural Resource Utilization and Management in Contexts of Social and Economic Development

Powell, Abby
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Avian Ecology and Conservation, Endangered Species Management

Putz, Francis "Jack"
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation Biology, Tropical Forestry, Fire Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Economic Botany, Natural Resource Economics, Plant Ecology, Botany, Plant Biomechanics



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Qiu, Jiangxiao
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Landscape Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology, Global Change Ecology, Conservation Biology, Sustainability Science

Qiao, Xiaohui "Sherry"
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Disaster Impact Analysis, Geospatial Analysis, Data Geovisualization, Web GIS Development


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Radunovich, Heidi
Family, Youth, and Community Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Stress and Family Stress, Motivational Interviewing, College Preparation, Childcare Provider Information, Youth Risk Behavior, Academic Integrity

Rechcigl, Jack
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Soil Fertility of Pasture grasses and Legumes, Impact of Fertilizers on Surface and Ground Water Quality, Fertilizer Requirements for Tropical Grasses with Emphasis on Sustainable Agriculture

Reddy, K. Ramesh
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles in Natural Ecosystems, Wetlands, Shallow Lakes, Estuaries, Constructed Wetlands, Water Quality, Carbon Sequestration, Climate Change 

Reed, David
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ectoparasites on Mammals, Coevolution, Phylogenetics, Population Genetics, Coalescent Simulations/Modeling, Ecological Niche Modeling

Reisinger, Alexander "AJ"
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Nutrient, pesticide and waste management; Soil, water, and aquifer remediation; Wetlands and aquatic ecosystems 

Reisinger, Lindsey
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Freshwater ecology, Community ecology, invasion ecology, parasitism, intraspecies behavioral variation

Reynolds, Laura
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Population and Community Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiology, How Environmental and Individual Variability Influences the Functions and Stability of Nearshore Marine Ecosystems

Ries, Robert
Construction Management
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Life Cycle Assessment and Optimization, Green Building Construction, Environmental Impact Assessment of Buildings

Rios, Esteban
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant breeding, Genetics, Genetic Diversity, Genomic-Enabled Breeding, Forage and Cover Crop Improvement

Roberts, Grady
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Global Education, Experiential Learning, Teaching and Learning in University Settings

Robinson, Scott
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation of Birds, Effects of Forest and Grassland Conservation on Birds in the American Midwest, Effects of Urbanization on Bird Communities, Avian Brood Parasitism, Tropical Forest Bird Community Organization

Roesch, Luiz
Microbiology and Cell Science
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biomarkers of health and disease in human samples, Biomarkers of homeostasis and perturbation in environmental samples, Development of user-friendly bioinformatics tools

Romagosa, Christina
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biological Invasions: Process Through the Influence of Wildlife Trade, Prevention Through Risk Assessment, Ecological Impacts, and Policy and Management

Rossi, Lorenzo
Horticultural Sciences
Indian River Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant Root Biology, "Shovelomics" for citrus

Ryan, Sadie
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Medical Geography, Disease Ecology, Tropical Conservation, Human-Wildlife Interface, Spatial Models



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Salemi, Marco
Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Molecular Evolution and Phylogeography of Pathogenic Bacteria, MRSA, V. Cholera

Sandoval, Hector
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Social interactions, Applied Microeconomics, Education, Poverty, Program Evaluation

Sassaman, Ken
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Archaeology, Archaic and Woodland Periods of the American Southeast, Technological Change, Community Patterning

Schaffer, Bruce
Horticultural Sciences
Tropical Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: How Physiology, Growth, and Productivity of Subtropical and Tropical Horticultural Crops are Impacted by Biotic and Environmental Stresses, Sustainability

Scheffers, Brett
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Tropical Ecology and Conservation, Urban Ecology, Global Change Biology, Ecophysiology, Multidimensional Species Distributions in Rainforest Canopy Environments, Microhabitat Buffering in Structurally Complex Environments

Serra, Renata
Center for African Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Political economy of agriculture, Vulnerability and resilience to climate change, Gender and intersectionality, Women’s empowerment, Livestock sector development, Social capital and collective action, Microfinance

Sharma, Lakesh
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research interests: Nutrient, Pesticide, and Waste Management, Precision Agriculture, Soil Health

Sharma, Vivek
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Precision Irrigation Management, Water Quantity and Quality, Evapotranspiration, Integrated Water and Fertilizer Best Management Practices, Crop water and nutrient use efficiency, Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration

Short, Andrew
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Evolution and biodiversity of aquatic insects

Sieving, Kathryn "Katie"
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Avian Community and Landscape Ecology, Forest Biodiversity Conservation

Silveira, Maria
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences

Range Cattle Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Grassland biogeochemistry, with special emphasis on the areas of nutrient management, nutrient cycling, water quality, and ecosystem services associated with cultivated and native grassland ecosystems

Simmons, Cynthia
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Political Ecology, Economic Development and Environmental Policy, Agrarian Reform, Land Conflict, Social Processes

Smith, Benjamin "Ben"
Political Science
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Separatist Conflicts, Regime Change and Democratization, Politics of Resource Wealth

Smith, Matthew
Plant Pathology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Biology and Systematics of Hypogeous Fungi (Truffles), Ecology of Plant-Symbiotic Ectomycorrhizal Fungi

Smyth, Ashley
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Tropical Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Nutrient, pesticide and waste management; carbon dynamics and ecosystem services; and wetlands and aquatic ecosystems

Sollenberger, Lynn
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Grassland Agroecosystems; Ecosystem Services; Sustainable Production; Interactions of Plants, Animals, and the Environment

Soltis, Pamela "Pam"
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Molecular Systematics of Plants, Angiosperms, Morphological and Molecular Evolution of the Flower, Polyploid Evolution, Comparative Phylogeography, Conservation Genetics of Rare Plant Species

Southworth, Jane
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Land Change Science, Climate Variability and Climate Change, Savanna Systems, Coupled human-natural systems analysis, Remote Sensing, Environmental Modeling

Stein, Taylor
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecotourism, Economic and Non-Economic Benefits of Natural or Near-Natural Landscapes

Steiner, Ruth
Urban and Regional Planning
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Transportation Policy and Planning, Land Use and Transportation Interactions, Multi-Modal Transportation Planning, Growth Management, Transportation Concurrency, Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Design

Stepp, John Richard
Anthropology; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Cultural Ecology, Ecological Anthropology, Ethnobotany, Medical Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, Mesoamerica

Stofer, Kathryn "Katie"
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Public engagement with science, data visualization and modeling, marking STEM evident in agriculture, supporting scientists in public engagement

Strauss, Sarah
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Southwest Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Examining the relationship between plant and soil microbial community within citrus and vegetable crops; exploring methods to manage or alter the soil microbial community to improve crop health and productivity

Subalusky, Amanda
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Community and ecosystem ecology; animal effects on ecosystems; aquatic ecology

Swisher, Marilyn "Mickie"
Family, Youth, and Community Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Impact of Contemporary Food Movement on Class, Gender, and Ethnic Stratification Among Producers and Consumers, Theory-Based Development and Evaluation of Educational Programs in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems



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Taylor, Bron
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Emotional, Spiritual, Ethical and Political Dimensions of Environmental Movements, Both Historically and in the Contemporary World

Telg, Ricky
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Agricultural Communication (Television/Video Production, Print Media, Media Relations), Distance Education (Instructional Design, Instructional Media)

Thetford, Mack
Environmental Horticulture
West Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Plant Propagation, Annual and Perennial Gardening, Dendrology, Pomegranate and Olive Fruit Production

Thiele, Leslie
Political Science
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sustainability, Intersection of Philosophy and Natural Sciences, Responsibilities of Citizenship and Opportunities for Leadership in a World of Rapid Technological, Social, and Ecological Change

Thomas, Matthew
Entomology and Nematology
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Ecology and control of insects and diseases, Environmental factors (e.g. climate change, urbanization and insecticide resistance) affecting the dynamics and distribution of vector-borne diseases, Development of novel chemical and biological tools for control of malaria mosquitoes and other urban pests

Townsend, Timothy
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Landfill Design and Operation, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and Design

Tucker, Catherine
Anthropology; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Economic and Environmental Anthropology, Environmental Governance, Community-based Conservation, Institutional Analysis, Climate Change Adaptation, Coffee Production and Consumption, Value Chains, Belief Systems, Sustainability

Tziolas, Nikolaos
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Southwest Florida Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Interpretable AI techniques to support informed decision-making in agriculture, Multidimensional and integrated sensing approaches (e.g., in situ and spaceborne), Programs for efficient use of soil resources, Soil health monitoring and mapping using heterogenous Earth Observation data


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Useche, Pilar
Food and Resource Economics; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Sustainable Economic Development, Latin American Development, Inequality and Gender, Agriculture, Innovation and Technology Adoption, Adoption of GMOs, Natural Resource Management, Cooperation, Conservation and Experimental Economics



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Valenta, Kim
Google Scholar
Research Interests: The evolutionary ecology of plant-animal interactions, particularly seed dispersal, and applied conservation in Madagascar and mainland Africa

Valle, Denis
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Health, Plant Demography, Tropical Forest Management, Simulation Models, Bayesian Statistical Models

Vander Zanden, Hannah
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Animal ecology, stable isotope ecology

Vincent, Christopher
Horticultural Sciences
Citrus Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Production Methods and Biological Understanding to Improve Productivity of Citrus Crops and Additional Crops and Cropping Systems in the Traditional Citrus Region, Plant Adaptive and Acclimative Characteristics Impact on Crop Health and Productivity in the Humid Sub-tropics

Vogel, Jason
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Forest Nutrient Cycling, Structure, and Growth



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Walker, Robert
Geography; Latin American Studies
Google Scholar
Research Interests: GeoSpatial Analysis and Techniques, Global Environmental and Social Change, Nature-Society Studies, Land Change, Amazon

Walsh-Childers, Kim
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Health Journalism, Science Journalism, Newspapers, Magazines, Mass Media and Adolescent Health, Media and Public Health, Health Policy, Content Analysis, Mass Communication, Mass Media, Print Media, Journalism Ethics, Media Ethics, Women Journalist Challenges

Warner, Laura
Agricultural Education and Communication
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Strategies to elicit behavior change in Florida urban landscapes; Factors that influence sustainable behavior change; Social marketing principles applied to Extension programming; Responsible agriculture and horticulture practices as a function of individual perceptions and values; Audience segmentation and needs assessments of diverse audience segments; Urban Extension; and Message testing to discover what messaging resonates with specific audiences

Wells, Randall
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Conservation of marine mammals; Behavioral ecology of cetaceans; Cetacean social structure and behavior; Ecology and feeding biology of small cetaceans; Population biology, life history, and health assessment of small cetaceans; Development of innovative field research techniques, including radio telemetry

Weng, Weizhe
Food and Resource Economics
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Applied Econometrics, Non-market Valuation, Water Policy, Coupled Natural and Human Systems

Whiles, Matt
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Freshwater Ecosystem Ecology

White, Ethan
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Data-Intensive Ecology, Ecological Forecasting, Computational Ecology, Quantitative Ecology, Macroecology

Wilkie, Ann
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Carbon Dynamics and Ecosystem Services, Soil, Water, and Aquifer Remediation, Nutrient, Pesticide, and Waste Management, Microbial and Environmental Factors Influencing Biodegradation

Wilkinson, Benjamin "Ben"
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Photogrammetry, Lidar, Remote Sensing, UAS

Willmott, Keith
Florida Museum of Natural History
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Neotropical Butterfly Systematics, Butterfly Diversity: Spatial and Temporal Patterns, Evolution and Maintenance, and Biodiversity Conservation

Wilson, Chris
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Global change, Pasture and rangeland improvements, Enhance rural livelihood, Climate change mitigation and ecosystem resilience

Wilson, P. Christopher "Chris"
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Management of Nutrients, Pesticides, and Wastes, Bioremediation/Phytoremediation of Agrichemicals in Contaminated Surface Water, Agrichemical Loadings in Surface Water

Wilson, Sandra
Environmental Horticulture
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Invasive Potential of Ornamental Plants and Cultivars: Seed Bank Existence, Seed Viability, and Germination

Wisely, Samantha
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Disease Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Biogeography, Wildlife Biology, How Host Populations Maintain Reservoirs of Pathogens in a Changing Landscape

Wright, Alan
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
Indian River Research and Education Center
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Carbon Dynamics and Ecosystem Services, Nutrient, Pesticide and Waste Management, Wetlands and Aquatic Systems, Soil Biogeochemical Cycles



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Yang, Huiping
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Aquaculture, germplasm preservation, and cytogenetics of molluscan shellfish

Yoon, Seonkyoo "Sean"
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Hydrogeology, Flow in Porous Media, Reactive Transport, Fluid-Rock Interaction, Inverse Problems

Young, Alyson
Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics 
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Environmental Epidemiology, Global Health, Health disparities and vulnerable populations, Maternal and Child Health, Social Epidemiology



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Zare, Alina
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Google Scholar
Research Interests: artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational intelligence, signal processing, and information fusion methods for application to sensing

Zhao, Chang
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Geographic Information Science Remote Sensing; Geovisualization; AI (Machine Learning and Deep Learning); Ecosystem Service Assessments; Spatiotemporal Data Mining for Interdisciplinary Research in Agriculture, Public Health, and Social Sciences

Zhao, Xin
Horticultural Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Organic and Sustainable Crop Production, Integrated Use of Grafting in Vegetable Production, High Tunnel Systems for Vegetables, Nutrient Management in Organic Cropping Systems, Quality Attributes of Vegetables as Affected by Cultural Practices

Zimmerman, Andrew
Geological Sciences
Google Scholar
Research Interests: Marine Geochemistry, Organic Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Aquatic Paleoecology, Geomicrobiology, Estuarine Research, Biochar, Black Carbon, Biocementation